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@Stahesh Me getting bit in the leg by an alligator doesn’t prove anything, that’s coincidental, you still haven’t provided me with a recent, peer reviewed, large sample sized source. If you can’t back up what you’re saying, making the positive claim, than your statement is invalid.

so mccucky cucked but cuckthedral is taking all the Ls . wat will happen if ukranians keep surrendering

@AKEmon869 @37712 @apopheniac @Pain66 exactly you can be strong but not be a bully, but yeah I agree people will attack you if they know you won’t do anything about it, which invites bullying. Reagan said “Weakness invites aggression.”

@apopheniac @Pain66 I would argue usually the bullies in middle school/ high school are the chads or the popular kids that everyone likes, some peak in school and go downhill from there, while others may maintain their looks and charisma. Typically the kids that get picked on are more introverted, less attractive, shy and mostly loners with maybe one or two friends but not a large amount of friends. Usually people that don’t conform, act different or stand out get bullied.


"If the politicians would let him [speaking of the power of democracy personified as "Demos"] alone, Demos would be the exact embodiment of the average intelligence...Yet, supposing that his evil counselors were all exterminated as they deserve, it would avail us little, for he would soon choose others like them..."

(Incidentally, that quote may initially appear quite charitable to the average man, but you realize that it's an indictment of the enfranchised plebian.)

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Good day Monkey man @Tfmonkey ,

I would like to ask you whether you believe in the end an AI will eventually kill us all.

Thank you,

Everyday I see something like this and wonder why on god green earth men ever have women rights. Probably the biggest mistake ever in the entire universe’s existence.

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