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@redneonglow I thought that was Fredrick Douglass for a second.

i had to explain why my name is cream queen to a federal agent

@Tfmonkey The voice that tell me I should leave planet and build base on moon or mars🚀

Or the same voice that tell me I should not be human and walk different path🧠

The cuckold sits at the children's table. How are those dinosaur nuggies, champ?

@Zeb @redmaple @Stahesh AWALT

Women are genetically designed that way be the creator


All women behavior that way

Just like Africans are all like that
and all gays are like that

No amount of denial is going to change the repeatable behavior patterns of these groups

Women don't have the ability to be held to the same EXACT standard of MEN

Nor will women be held accountable for their own choices and actions as long as SIMPS for ((( EQUALITY ))) and the CHURCH/STATE exist to facilitate it

Local Ethnic Patroracy is the only model of society that works
for a high trust low crime high population result

Let me know when you lot have the balls to put women back in the kitchen, braless, barefoot and pregant

No more female 'rights'
no more females working
no more females talking
no more females walking the streets unsupervised
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.