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Seeing multiple train derailments happening all over the country makes me think that using the government to fuck over railway workers and force them to work without paid time off might have been something of a mistake.

@Zoomerman88 no the original name of the species were Galvans which come from the world Galvan Prime.

@Zoomerman88 I remember lol, Stinkfly , Ripjaws, Heatblast, Wildmut and Fourarms, Diamondhead, Ghostfreak, Greymatter, Upgrade, and XLR8 those were the original 10 from the classic.

For those of you holding out for normies to rise up, don't hold your breath.

I've had 2 family members hospitalized already and they just neither of them made the connection yet.

Unless the gov/pharma says their plan live on TV like a supervillain only then will normies accept it.

80% of the children being born in the black community are being made by less than 20% of the men. Most of the black men aren’t having children with the women, and yet society says the broken family is mens fault.

@basedbagel people want their cheap shit, but there are numerous benefits to moving manufacturing to Mexico. In the long run it would improve the infrastructure of Mexico by not only giving us cheap shit but also creating more jobs in Mexico. It would solve the immigration problem as well.

There’s already a strong case to move manufacturing out of China to Mexico, but the Cartels are the limiting factor.

They’re going to call you an incel anyways. Just take their rights away.

@AKEmon869 because of , the bar scene is dead so women are going to gyms in order to draw male attention. No matter where men go, they’ll always be women that follow in order to feast off of the attention from simps.

The cashier at my store telling me how much my total is this week.

🔊sound ...🧐

@UncleIroh @37712

But in all seriousness I think you need to be strict starting out and then you can loosen up as they get older like my parents did.

I think the big problem these days is a lack of community/religion and being too lazy that we hand our kids to the state to raise them

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A club for red-pilled exiles.