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@kaiservenom I think she’s got it backwards lol, but yeah this definitely proves dualistic mating strategy. Rollo specifically talked about two kinds of cuckoldry retroactive and proactive cuckoldry , a single mom finding a man to help her raise her kid is retroactive cuckoldry, proactive is when she’s in a relationship/ married but the guy isn’t that physically attractive, so she actively looks to have sex with a guy with better genes and convinces the man she’s with that it’s his kid.

WHO Pandemic Treaty would give powers to the WHO to impose on a country whether they’re in a pandemic, how they should respond to the pandemic, how they should utilize their food, farm land and resources and even it would allow the WHO to gain access to a country’s funds/ money to force them to contribute, not to mention using vaccine passports to track you. Basically if a country agrees they seed all of their authority to WHO.

@mutageno @VeganMGTOW I have lost all trust in vaxxines, after I found out that no vaccine testing is done with a double bind countrol group or any kind of control group or test for efficiency for that matter. Basically they make vaccine version A, B and C and then they test for what version does the lest amount of harm and that it,

If you are going to kill off any group in particular, it makes sense to eliminate those that society is not dependent on for continuance. Old people are not going to produce any more children themselves and are usually a net drain on resources (e.g. Social Security, Medicare).

This is not to say that there would not be some negative consequences for the family structure or other issues, but at least these people have lived long enough and are not going to be necessary for society to survive.

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I am not inclined to believe this story, as it makes little sense for "the media" to place blame on governments when they are directly aligned with them. But there is one thing that makes sense if the clot shots are a depopulation tool. That being the additional doses causing more problems by design.

Consider who were the main people targeted for boosters. It was the elderly and other "high risk" people. Those that are not/no longer productive.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.