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Ways to walk away from society:

- Do not volunteer for anything
- Get low paying jobs to pay less taxes
- Do not get married
- Do not work for the state
- Become a minimalist
- Buy weapons legally and learn how to defend yourself.
- Get rid of cable.
- Do not attend churches that bow to the message
- Move overseas
- Move to places with more freedoms.

While it seems like I am a secular person, I am very, deeply religious.

I... like big butts. And I cannot lie.

@Stahesh lol I like how even Futurama shows that an all female society is quite primitive and underdeveloped. They haven’t even passed the Stone Age.

@sardonicsmile I love CityPrepper, you can tell he knows exactly what’s going to happen.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.