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Turns out mercury exposure makes birdos gay. I found this through searching for a funny word for gay birds for a pun. Feels like it should've been bigger news.
@Squadalah_Man @racs @BigTLarrity @matty there is a pretty interesting video talking about why they are like that (mainly Africa).
It boils down to "slave trade was so profitable that they spent 300+ years capturing each other to sell as slaves, so they not only got stuck in time as far as cultural advancement goes (because any kind of scholar who was not a warrior was captured and sold as slave), but they also regressed, as they killed/captured and sold all the 'useless' people who couldn't fend for themselves but knew how stuff like 'farming' worked".

@Tfmonkey In not shocking news. The US government has targeted ROLLO.

MASSIVE! The US Dept of Homeland Security paid nearly $700,000 to a counter-terrorism NGO to "intercept and divert" Twitter/X traffic away from specific individuals in the manosphere.

among others were specifcally named as targets.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.