@Mongoliaboo send him to the meat grinder 😂 I want to see Hamas fighters shot him in his privates(they really do that to kike rats)

@Pain66 He did the right thing, but he could do better. He should have sent his daughter to all-girl school if he didn’t want her to have sex.

@Mongoliaboo Biden 2024.

The video is talking about the Hague Invasion Act. If the ICC arrests American politicians, soldiers, and allies (Israelis), they will invade the Netherlands to free the ones being prosecuted.

Trump wants people who are antisemitic to face the death penalty.


Alright bro, can you stop with this mental masturbation?

There are actual fucking children being killed by Jews. If you don’t care because they are Arabs, understand that after they kill all Arabs they are coming for you.

Kikes believe that their messiah will make them rule the world. Because four thousand years ago bunch of desert dogs wrote a book called the bible.

If you don’t support Arabs destroying the Jewish empire like the protesters then at least STFU. Don’t help Jews!

@PNS I am sure that kid was going to give that officer a hug and a kiss. He wanted to show him a scissor😭😭😭

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @kaiservenom

1-Trans men who support Ukraine, and Israel, and Taiwan. The kind that use Reddit and watch CNN, etc…

2- God fearing, freedom loving, Jew cock sucking, proud traditional aMericah people. *They are totally not racist*

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @kaiservenom her black pussy doesn’t discriminate, it accepts people of all colors and backgrounds. That’s the beauty of liberal black pussy it’s open for everyone.

@Stahesh It is illegal, but when women do it…. It’s bullshit😞

@37712 @kaiservenom They are going back in coffins or permanently crippled.
If not, they will be divorced, raped, or self deleted.
These cucks and white knights will die against the Russians, the Chinese, and the Islamic resistance.
I hope they enjoyed those black tits, at least. If they got a doll and listened to TFM, they would be alive.

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