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i have not looked into that olympic boxing controversy, but martial arts are always the same weight class, hence complaining about it a being man is just pure bigotry :)

i viscerally hate EU and its bureaucracy. i cannot fucking wait for this shit to burn to a crisp so i can at least have a bbq on its corpse.

@RoninGrey they are rolling out ads cut into the video streams and today having adblock caused videos to crash after couple os seconds or minutes.

Funny that jews are jew-ish, but christians, muslims, budhists... are not. Ever wonder why?

Imagine your entire being being entirely replacable by a 50 bucks worth of a silicone sleeve...

Imagine a society treating such being as superrior to its peers...

Wild world out there.

I had many productive days recently. Sometimes i don't feel like working for the entire day but i plough through it. sometimes i jack myself up on caffeine and go for it. Before this year is over, my work will yield results. Cannot wait for it to go live.

@RodrickSage don't know enough to comment on that but his meditations are insanely overrated. i still cannot finish the book. it's just a bunch of notes to self that are sold as some philosophical holy grail(not his fault).

The only difference between the left and the right is that the left forces you to think certain way and the right prevents you from thinking certain way. Hence centrism is the only sane stance when it comes to politics.

The 12 tribes of "jews" were chosen to be what the white race became instead. They failed, abandoned their "god", who chose them for this purpose(purity of their ancestral bloodline). And they hate the whites for their failure. The purity of the white DNA is what matters the most. Without it, the human race will slowly revert back to the cromagnon man. The white DNA is the gift we received from the "gods" who uplifted our species.

@Tfmonkey $8k internet? 😄
Isnt your issue(again) that you are streaming to multiple services at once? There are services that do it for you so your stream goes out only once.

@Mr_Mister well, the last time they displayed their drone/rocket superiority. this time, they might evaporate all of the jews' maritime ports and serve the last blow to their economy. that would make the most sense. though remember that pepe escobar's story about that nuke. jews are capable of anything, so am not sure how iran wants to approach it this time. i bet they will consult it with russia and china before taking action. also, they will most likely supply more weapons to the houthis.

@UncleIroh could be, i no longer actively watch his content... i used to watch him from his very first videos until some time ago when the content just became repetitive and "safe". about two years ago, maybe. anyway, there is really no alternative to 9gag these days so it is not surprising, really.

@UncleIroh i never heard him mention it - ever. 9gag used to be good until gen-z took over, maybe 5-7 or so, years ago. it was slow degradation of the years though. fun disappeared and you could see how it was transforming into a lot of written memes, twitter/ig screenshots. a lot of violence and gore and animal/nature crap. now its mostly politics.

and the people keep using "they" pronouns. ffs.

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usually 9gag is full of anti-chenese bots, but lately those israeli IP addresses must be busy. i guess the anti-russian bots have taken a back seat for a while. most people think these are real post by real people reflecting the real mood of the populi. this is how you manipulate the society. twitter is the same.

why is everyone afraid of death? the only thing one should be concerned, not afraid because fear is completely different emotion and the word has been misused by gynocetrists for decades, is the final pain that will lead to dying. but fearing the death itself? the most nonsensical fear i can imagine.

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