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Republicans have decided to stop the GOP impending victory by attacking the First Amendment.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, jews, henry_ford
Source: The booru is down for now
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Other people: "I don't wanna just be alone I get bored"

Me: "Stop talking over my audiobook, when are you leaving?"

"What is evolution and culture if their noxious blossoms are sterile women?"

The world used to have no cities. City-states then started appearing. City-states led to countries. Now there is a global government. Hopefully, countries will break into small villages again when everything collapses.

Iceland is not a free country, but maybe small places are more likely of having peace if everyone has similar values and backgrounds and everybody knows each other.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @LysanderMooner i cant wait for sweet sweet reality ,to stretch cathedral jews assholes to unholy proportions


The mountains of cope was epic.

I'm glad TFM just let him run on tbh. Hearing him attempt to play whack-a-mole on every issue made me laugh. I just wish the yakety-sax music was playing in the background while he did his absurd ass-covering routine.

I wanna see the movie where the children of politicians and technocrats start getting kidnapped and their parents get smothered in nursing homes.
With realistic film perspective like Blair witch

My financial position always feels better til the bills go through 😔


Nuts in sealed container
Juice in sealed container
Shelf Stable Soymilk
Water filtration device
Bottled water
Canned precooked meat
Pickles or canned precooked vegetables
Non Electric Can opener
Self defense tools
Does not do any good unless other people in local region you are in also have emergency supplies otherwise they will outnumber you and take it
So money & time should be spent moving or propagandizing your neighbors to be emergency ready if they are not already

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.