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The new president of Mexico… I’m sure she won’t flood the Mexico with Africans to transport up to us… I’m sure she won’t…

These fags haven't uploaded a video on the Russian-Ukraine war in almost a month. I wonder what happened

@UncleIroh at least she/it admits it. How many veterans like @Tfmonkey (thank you for your service) are willing to admit they regret fighting for zog

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @ButtWorldsMan Thank you all for your kind words. In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask you to donate your abuse to a battered woman's shelter

@Zeb I don't need a woman to validate me. Yes, I'm all of those things, regardless of accusations or no accusations

@Tfmonkey Is that robot hand suppose to allow you to live out your Luke Skywalker sexual fantasies, you sick fucking pervert?

@ButtWorldsMan I don't dignify post-wall roasties like that. Okay, maybe mouth rape. Maybe

If the Allies didn’t liberate the camps that means the Germans didn’t put them there. Ergo, the Holocaust didn’t happen

lol it's fun watching these weak, pathetic faggots (cuomo) try to distance themselves from culpability

@Lorgar @Kokki
Because he fits in with the gypsies?

Not only is Russia raping NATO, it's doing so on a lower tax rate.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.