> you're not a human if you don't support Israel
Well, call me a nigger if that'd be the case
@ButtWorldsMan it already smells like fish down there so why not
> but I did eat breakfast
I swear they have some version of this in their blood libel genes
@ButtWorldsMan on second thought, maybe they should be drafted
@sardonicsmile if a whoreish single mom was good enough for Napoleon... then maybe they should be good enough for me
@ButtWorldsMan Does Stacy not know you don't have to marry the girl? You can just go to the park at night or a hopping college party and fill a hole free of charge
@Stahesh @charliebrownau @VeganMGTOW
>I can do mushrooms if they are added spice like mushroom powder
Have you tried Portabella mushrooms ? They taste like steak, especially if you add in a little A-1 sauce
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu fucking incels, that's not how you rape a woman
@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan like whoever the hell made this did?https://twitter.com/ben_kew/status/1776969789732184142
@sardonicsmile a nigress rejecting a handsome white man that fast? That nigger must be high. Where’s Derek Chauvin when you need him
@sardonicsmile yeah now he can't not tell her to be a giant whore
@Mr_Mister @UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh
> deers lack the enzymes (pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin) needed to efficiently digest meat
> lions lack the enzyme (salivary amylase, pancreatic amylase, and cellulase) needed to efficiently digest plants
> humans have both. humans evolved fine doing both.
There, case closed. Shut the fuck up about veganism or receive the wooden stake enema
@Rasterman to the police are the only thing preventing people from stoping shit skins like him. If the property owner shoots and kills him, the owner gets arrested and thrown in prison
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey they truly, truly have squirrel brains. which means turning them into taxidermy should be legal. cause they're like squirrels and shit
@ButtWorldsMan Award for most self aware nigger goes to this nigger
@sardonicsmile huh, what kind of kitchen has a laugh track?