
@Tfmonkey How to debate Cuckstiny: bring a giant binder full of studies to slap him in the face with.

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@37712 @Tfmonkey No, he just leaned into the sophistry and became very evasive with his answers. He doesn't have an honest bone in his body to admit defeat with.

@Mongoliaboo @37712 Sure, he did his homework and knew what to expect. I didn't want a debate, and Halsey told me Destiny was cool, so I didn't prepare anything beyond what I had on hand expecting a friendly conversation.



Unfortunately he doesn't do debates anymore.

While I understand why it would be quite fun to see him rip destiny to shreds now that he's divorced

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey Nobody should debate ever. Debate is fake and gay. But Vince at least went into this knowing how much of a bad faith actor Cuckstiny is, and buried him with papers.

@Scubbie @Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey

In 1 sense it is a victory but in another sense it is a loss because it legitimizes using Peer Reviewed studies in the minds of the Public

People can make up fake data, never run an expertiment but pretend they did and publish it in a peer review journal

I reject as a matter of principle all studies that have a standard deviation listed but do not provide the raw data from which STD was calculated

I also reject using STDs to come to conclusions on principle

@Scubbie @Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey

Most people are missing the main point of the debate, and that is not to convince the other person with whom you are debating but to convince the audience, and that is what TFM mamaged to do that day.

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