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House Passes Bill to Ban Central Bank Digital Currency | Business Matters (May 23)

Talk about giving the masses some hopium, we all know that even if this passes in congress it will just get vetoed by dementia biden. This is all just a big joke on the ppl.

Doing pullups at local park mini jungle gym that looks like it was made for pullups. There's a US Marine Corps sticker on it. It's like poetry. @Tfmonkey

I like to say that feminism is satanic, but I didn't think I was literally right.


Asian women complaining they can’t compete with white men are funny given the fact that they out earn them. Goes to show it’s not that Asian women are some kind of genius exception to other women but rather they are more intelligent white women but they’re also given special minority treatment and that’s a deadly combo.

Get corpo-fedboi bloat off your phone. Check out LineageOS!


we are truely fucked , go read about teachers facing illiterate kids even 18 year olds

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A club for red-pilled exiles.