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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic I would have whipped out my qualified immunity and have one less cheater on earth.

Women are weak creatures simply trying to survive in a world they have no chance of surviving without a man. Hence men are simply a means to fulfil that end.

🤣 Is this true that chinese worker have more vacation than USA worker?

Someone asked UN Women their thoughts on the matter, but they were too busy wearing burqas to hear the questions.

I know you're a furfag @VooDooMedic , but have you considered the following:

A few years ago, sex for rent was a big topic in the UK since it hadn't been outlawed at the time. To this day, guys are still getting nailed to the wall for offering adult women sex for rent agreements. It's as though the state is tacitly admitting women cannot be held accountable for their own actions or choices

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

The white pillers lost another one.

“Afghanistan is the only country in the world that bans girls from school beyond 6th grade.“


Women only need to be able to read a cookbook. So they can prepare meals for their husbands and their husbands’ children.


Seeing the amount of tiktok cancer out there, with retards causing trouble for strangers for internet points, I now understand why Russians will fight you if you point a camera at them.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.