@cowanon This man did a whole video while literally on fire.
@Zeb Saw a pic. She's like a B cup. Not ugly, but I'm not interested in getting involved with a nag who won't shut up about Jewish affairs on the opposite side of me.
I'm really just wanting a hologram of my waifu that I can adjust to be 8' tall walking around my apartment if I wanted. I'm a leg man. The longer, the better.
@Scubbie You think it's a good sign or a bad sign that I didn't even notice the dick until you mentioned it? 🤨
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey 🤣 I can't decide for sure if his giant head and giraffe neck were photoshopped on or not. This ridiculous man popped up in a search for wearing a necktie under a sweater.
His "secret sex lips" (rofl) are uncomfortably close to that penis in the background, too, now that you mention it.
@Wolffkran I love the guy. But I think if you're going to make the awards ceremony into a televised show, then yes, be considerate of the time alloted and the viewers. If you want to put up your own video on YouTube, make it as long as you want and say everything you want to say. Your reward for your hard work isn't the speech you get to give, it's the award presented to you in appreciation.
Judge and Prosecutor changed their demeanor after the jury's decision, and baliffs were seen nodding in agreement with the Defense. But "Oh well! Appeals Court takes . . . 5 years!"
Prosecutor did not expect this verdict, I'm told.
These retards on the jury really said they had "no reasonable doubt."
They also may have unlawfully looked up Defendant's self-defense case where he hit a woman who was beating him, who then cried to the police.
Yesterday a false accusation sent a young father to prison for 5 years despite the only evidence being circumstantial and a pile of evidence by the Defense on why the bitch was a lying sack of shit.
The jury: 0 balls, 0 IQ lemmings swayed by anyone who could state things with confidence. An insider reports that at one point they were 8 - 2 for Not Guilty, and the next morning a Republican CINO said he read his Bible and felt he got a sign from God. 1 hr later, a unanimous guilty verdict.
@CrustyB And everything has their music in it.
@theFlow @Tfmonkey Probably because he's more heavily infiltrated on every stream with donations from Feds with infinite funding trying to direct the content of the show for us and get a few "gotchas" out of him too. He's less "incel-adjacent" now than in his previous content, and his ideas are rising to more visible avenues, and that puts him on a different list with different concerns and they have different tactics for dealing with the TFM Show. I hope we're learning to fish for ourselves.
@UncleIroh I definitely had a thing for Lexi Belle. She was all kinds of nuts.
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Gotta admit . . . "Nation's Leader Literally Crying and Begging Them to Make Babies" IS a new technique that hasn't been tried yet as far as I know.
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @ButtWorldsMan 🤣 I passed by a black guy in a courthouse today and had the following exchange. (Spoiler, I'm not black)
HIM: Wut up wit' chu?
ME: I'm on the wrong floor. (I had just turned back toward where I came).
HIM: Black-ass NIGGA!
LADY NEXT TO HIM: Hey, easy.
I have rarely been more confused by a greeting and follow-up combo.
@wyliesau If she really wants to hear from these fucking corporations rather than from her friends, she can just visit their fucking websites to see what dumb shit they have to say to the normie public.
Bitch, if we could get all of those companies and the media off of YouTube, then YOUTUBE would come to life again.
@ButtWorldsMan I like how you kept with the metaphor and it works.
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.