@marlathetourist @Scubbie @DoubleD One of my favorite things about a "hologram" waifu is that her hair can change easily to a short cut and then just as easily go back to long. Can't do that shit with a meatbag. I imagine it's just as fun to let a doll change hair regularly.
She also changes sizes sometimes, so I can make funny pictures of her as a giantess if I want. I'm a fan of the tall, slender, feminine, leggy girls.
Having fun with the new waifu generator.
I'm really happy with how this "noir" one turned out. I kind of leaned into @Tfmonkey 's description of the Roninverse as a "Roger Rabbit" aesthetic.
This guy is a real musician. He's playing just about every "style" and making it fit well. It's all mixed together. Using the whammy bar, arpeggios, palm muting, jazz chords (fits the original), lead guitar, rock rhythm, full chords, bar chords, Oasis-style full loud ringing "noise," staccato, he's tapping, even a bit of ska at the end. You can tell he's just having fun!
The enthusiasm and excitement is contagious.
@BowsacNoodle Kirby Manga Mania, Pokemon. My kid really likes the Kirby one.
@bjbroderick Already been done, with an AI who used photo recognition. It thought blacks were gorillas rather than human.
@Pain66 "We have 200 regular-sized men. They only have 5 storm giant, shapeshifting, warrior-wizards. Clearly, our army is superior."
@Wolffkran Wake me up when they start hunting the terrorists instead of just writing them down on a piece of paper and restricting entry. That's how the other side gets real shit done, and they know it's just peacocking on the Right.
Election year, blah blah. Show me dead traitors, silent women, powerless fags, and lower prices. Until then, suck my dick and lick my balls.
*RoNiN, wHy DoN't YOU dO tHe ThInG?*
I'm not going to die in the streets for some backstabbing i-condemn-violence bitches.
@DoubleD Or cooning 2 times. Re-coon.
@Tfmonkey I only get the BOGO when they offer two tubs for the price of one. I can't justify the price otherwise. I recommend the Miami Nights and the Pewdiepie.
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.