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@Stahesh Define SHTF? Nuclear? EMP? Bio Outbreak? Day of the Rope?In reality this is all fantasy.The truth is more horrifying,you will individually be targeted ,digital currency will take away your resources and you will have to become a criminal on the run to survive,find the caves and live on crickets,mushrooms and salamanders until you go deep enough and are adopted by a family of 8’ tall Aquifer dwelling Cryptids to teach you how to survive between the surface and the Underdark

@RoninGrey @Zeb I believe he claimed it was his boiler needed fixing,you know how sentimental those people are about paying for furnaces, they prefer others pay for the exaggerated cost of a claim

@Shadowman311 sometimes incest babies can be above average,In Arkansas this is known

@Based_Accelerationist This is not my interpretation the Bible is a history book if studied it can be interpreted but you have to look at the Greek,Hebrew and English translation for the root words because Hebrew words have 3 meanings and some Greek words have multiple,the Scribes guess who they were finagled the meanings for their own needs,control,Jesus knew they would do this because they infiltrated Israelite culture so he used parables to thwart them and expose them

Haaaaa haaa funny choices for Filipinas Indian perverts who bathe in shit Dump,Date the Niggas for the big cock and money,but marry the Philippino Passport Bros will be getting murdered by colt 45 replicas by phillipinos on scooters

@PraxisOfEvil I can’t understand debt maxing I hate owning money it feels like a punishment,but I guess if you never intend to pay it off it can be freeing My ex father n law had maxed out credit cards he would take out life insurance policy’s to cover his debt pay the minimum on them,his garage was full of beanie babies in tubs I don’t get it

Trump in Atlanta telling Niggas He did everything for them and Biden did nothing for them as he gives Niggas free chic filet milk shakes too me is hilarious what is even more hilarious is Trump is going to dine and dash on the bill like a nigger using his celebrity status chick filet will deduct free nigger milk shakes as campaign contribution

@Tfmonkey Black Tom is a mutant who can manipulate, bond with, and project energy through plant life. He is also capable of issuing concussive blasts with a wooden object, usually a shillelagh. Tom was the black sheep of a prominent Irish family.And Juggernauts friend in prison because of his wood

@Based_Accelerationist if you removed the tares before harvest it would destroy the whole crop roots and all so this is not tolerance but wisdom of agriculture so you won’t starve in ,Jesus is telling you that the tribe of Israel was infiltrated in this parable remember,Christianity isn’t a religion to be infiltrated yet and he was murdered so it could be he would be labeled an anti semite today those that say they are the chosen but are not couldn’t understand the parable either

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories Jesus explains how the enemy infiltrate all world religions and governments and was murdered for it understand the Parable of the tares Matthew 13,The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.

@transgrammaractivist the ADL hate crime laws are the problem individual cases are part of the grinder this has been happening since the 1990’s

@IcarusWax @RoninGrey @Tfmonkey The word rapture is not in the Bible,and deceives the believers,the Corruptible flesh body can not ascend only the incorruptible spiritual body housing The mortal soul can ascend for judgment this is important for the Antichrist to fool the masses and follow him in the flesh denying Man a chance at immortality

@Zeb @RoninGrey @Tfmonkey thanks to the urban dictionary I can now use r/whooosh for whatever that picture is

@RoninGrey @Tfmonkey The fly away doctrine “rapture” is a false doctrine to mislead,no where is this in the Bible

@Stahesh @RodrickSage maybe one day when your balls drop it will start to grow in keep shaving it

@Stahesh @RodrickSage Friendly Mutton Chops could solve the problem just shave the neck beard mustache off and chin

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