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@Shlomo These nations are positioning themselves to be part of the world wide Carbon Credit digital currency marketplace set by the world banks under the guise of save the planet we will be enslaved

@Zeb @Mr_Mister I'm referring to the US dollar de dollarization

@Mr_Mister Russia will not be destroyed and is not "cucking",the New Development Bank of Shanghai or the BRICS bank is and will continue operating, Understand that gathering all nations under one Crypto currency for cross border resource exchange is the goal of the Banks,wars don't matter the Banks fund them for various reasons.The Dollar will not go away but it will lose 30 percent in a transfer of wealth and will still exist as a stable coin

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey The struggle was real,whenever Celestina is being a diva and won't read super chats you can tell your blood pressure goes up,and with the inflammation pain and all the other worldly assaults that can happen to us men,I never intend to frustrate you with my conspiracy bullshit,I genuinely gain knowledge of the markets and gleam geo political nuggets from you that set me on these paths,And value your wisdom,thank you for your service

@CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey I am more convinced now TFM need to invest in the Vtuber gear set up for his show,after watching this a epic rant as a interactive anime monkey would be entertainment

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist

Sabbatai Zevi and the Jacob Frank movement, I would recommend Robert Sepher videos and books on the cult,and remember they defend their trash so even your Torah loving Jews are enabling the evil to flourish and financing it,I am sure they can justify it of chorus, Understand the Serpent seed doctrine and the curse of Cain and how the Kennites subverted the Israelites religion beware of the city builders the sons of Cain who are of their father the Devil


Chagg's look younger longer but they will raisin when they hit a certain point

Scubbie boosted

@sardonicsmile so at what stage in a pregnancy is your finger prints and retina developed because that is identifiable biometrics for human life and use of digital currency for fake ID's

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