
I do love how the West's answer to low fertility and indigent immigrants that refuse to work and just sit on welfare, is to repeal child labor laws and push children into the workforce.

Hey retard, WHAT CHILDREN? Your women didn't have them, which is why you're in this position in the first place.

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Who is for repealing child labor laws?

@Tfmonkey remember, this people are retarded, you thought me that.

@Tfmonkey we need to quietly ghost out of this system, I will be making my kid work at a young age just like me, it will make him better.

@Tfmonkey Because our living standards and cost of living increased.

@Tfmonkey I was not aware they were repealing chils labor laws...?

@Tfmonkey Wonder if people will do something or they will push their children in to workforce?

@Tfmonkey So now they want to fuck the kids and force them to work in sweatshops? So progressive.

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