
got this in my email. You can break your silver rounds into quarters to make change.

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@Tfmonkey Now they just need to make them taste like chocolate.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey This remind me this chocolate coins

Only the cover need to look like silver.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey
Those divisible cloins are worth a lot, I got a bunch of those a couple of yes back and when I tell my local coins shop about them I always offer to buy them at almost 50% abive the currect silver price, they are worth more than my chinese panda coins


How do they recommend you break them? Doesn't look like something you can snap with your fingers and get a clear break.

@Tfmonkey @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu

With the coins, you can't break/bend them apart using just your hands, you have to use some pliers. I recommend you buy the divisible bars, those are slightly thinner and you can bend them with your hands

@Tfmonkey This is actually a really good idea. Too bad its more over spot than normal rounds. I'll just have to keep the steel chisel and hammer on hand after all.

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