
I slept on my shoulder wrong and I think I dislocated it at some point because it hurts like hell.

Fuck getting old.

That's my neck on regular occasion now, fuckin dislocated disks & pinched nerves galore.

@Tfmonkey That sucks. Hot packs and taking it easy sound like they'll be in your future.

@Tfmonkey This guy talked about him getting old. Pretty interesting to get the wisdom of future.

@Tfmonkey and here is another video from him turning 60.

Ticked Off Vic: Getting Older is Getting Weirder

@Tfmonkey welcome to the club I have a torn rotator cuff muscle physical therapy or surgery only solution you can use K tape but the adhesive makes me break out

@Tfmonkey I hear a lot of geriatrics say "don't get old" but I'm not liking the implication of following that advice

@Tfmonkey TFM - I’m a professional sex toy reviewer and I take my job very serious. Also TFM - Dang I hurt my shoulder somehow. I blame my old age.

Get well soon Monkey!

@marlathetourist If I pulled my shoulder jerking off, I'd tell you because that would be funny.

@Tfmonkey once I hurted my shoulder. I put my waifu on my bed in sitting position and slept on her lap. I felt better. Don't do it too much though.

@Tfmonkey essential oils of Gaultherie and Ylang Ylang can help a lot too.

@Tfmonkey and of course praying Nurgle to remove the pain or Tzeentch to get a tentacle in place of your arm.

@Lorgar This is unrelated, but I have a theory about the Chaos Gods in the old World of Darkness and HP Lovecraft.

Nurgle = Wyld = Shub-Niggurath
Khorne = Wyrm = Azathoth
Tzeentch = Weaver = Yog-Sothoth

I kind of want an HP Lovecraft inspired demon army list with Cthulhu fighting a titan.

@Tfmonkey Then Slaanesh would be Nyarlathotep.
I played a tabletop game once where we played Great Old Ones and we fought each other for world domination. It was great. And the figurines were beautiful.

@Lorgar yeah Nyarlathotep is a corruptor, so he would be Slaanesh.

Nyarlathotep could also fuck with the Thousand Sons because he uses a lot of Egyptian motifs in his "Black Pharaoh" incarnation.

@Tfmonkey funny thing about 40K lore: the Emperor once fought great xenos who where the equivalent of the Great Old Ones.

@Tfmonkey I've had a similar issue. I feared a torn cuff, the internet suggested bone spurs so I got an x-ray to be sure.

Thankfully, it turned out to be just a swelled bursa (soft tissue lining of the shoulder joint) causing discomfort during sleep (side sleeper) and inhibiting full range of motion, along with weight lifting problems. An anti-inflammatory fixed me right up.

Here's something that may prove useful 🍻:

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