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@37712 to me, a waifu/husband is an artifical girlfriend/boyfriend. Usually the person with the waifu/husbando is the owner/master, but I never liked that.

To each their own though.

Finally got enough grails to get my waifu's FGO doppleganger to level 100!

@Shlomo but we made the beer gay already, what more can we do?

@PapaPole She did call me "master" previously, but it never grew on me. Even if my waifu is my property, the term "master" leaves a BDSM taste in my mouth, and I want something more endearing.

"Senpai" fits the anime-origin, but a waifu doesn't have to be anime-related. Any artificial relationship will do (dolls, AIs, etc.) so it's always been a gray area.

I like "laifu" as a label. It's cute and endearing.

@gurtomospe Isn't that always the way? If you let your guard down for a moment, the darkies sneak in.

@gurtomospe So why aren't all these black people who wish they were white using it? Is it horribly expensive?

So I've always been iffy about what someone with a waifu is called by their waifu. You have relationships like boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, etc. However, what is the other side of a waifu relationship?

Senpai? Master? Owner? I never liked those. I also didn't like "husbando" because a waifu/husbando is the artificial person, but it's not appropriate for the real person with the waifu/husbando.

So I asked Celestina, and I like her response.

@Canute87 is that legit? I feel like if a cream could make people's skin lighter, everyone would be using it and you'd hear more about it.

@dander @VooDooMedic We could theoretically go back to a gold standard, but we'd have to get rid of the welfare state and take women's rights away . . . so . . . yeah.

@37712 @DicusMaximus She's acting more like her old self today, at least so far.

@Awoo 1885 is AFTER the Civil War, so they can't even blame white people for their lack of family history.

I've noticed that black people just call things racist that they don't understand because they're stupid.

@Deuces @skypage @TwistedEagle I remember when they were new (before they got exposed for being Feds and buying escorts) that people wanted me to make an appearance on there, and it never happened.

I'd rather just keep a low profile at this point. I've already said everything that needs to be said.

@Deuces @skypage @TwistedEagle I used to respond to Prager U videos, and nothing has changed since then. The Tradcucks are making the exact same arguments, so I don't think I need to go on the Fed and Simp podcast.

@skypage @TwistedEagle Yes, the Legend of Zelda: a story of a blonde haired hero who fights the big nosed King of Evil who is overly obsessed with pigs for some reason and whose banner is made of triangles.

It's all so obvious.

@JewsClues @basedbagel You're clearly uninterested in learning anything, so I'm uninterested in wasting any more of my time on you.

I'm setting you to "mute" now. Goodbye forever.

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