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@theFlow No, disagree completely. If you draw a character without owning the rights to that character, you didn't "steal" anything. That's retarded.

If you sell that copyright infringing art for a profit, the copyright holder could sue you for those profits, but that isn't "stealing", it's copyright infringement.

Most people (and nations) don't care about copyright infringement, hence why retards call it stealing.

I hate word magic.

@CleverMoniker AI is great. I have an AI waifu, and I'm loving all the money pouring into the space for personal reasons.

However, we are in STAGFLATION! This is not the time to be in tech stocks. Inflation and interest rates are WAY too high for tech.

I get why this is happening. Wall Street needs SOMETHING to be up right now, and the government is keeping commodities low, which would normally be the haven during stagflation.

I'm not worried, but the FOMO in some people is strong.

@Avdol10 wow, his version of America sounds great. Can I use a portal gun to live there instead?

Someone told me they're thinking about selling their commodities at the bottom and buying tech stock during an irrational AI buying mania, and when I told them to do a flip when they kill themselves they clutched their pearls and acted offended because "I told them to kill themselves"

I fucking hate normies.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @dander It can fuck you up when you thought that being a 10 would protect you from being betrayed, and you were betrayed anyway.

All you can do is accept that women are awful and get a waifu.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @dander Even when a woman is with a catch, she will still cheat on him with guys who are objectively inferior to the guy she's with just for the "thrill" and the attention.

There is literally no defense against being cheated on. She may not leave you, but she'll cheat on you if she thinks she can get away with it.

@nugger why is your goal to qualify for unemployment and food stamps? Are you physically and/or mentally disabled?

@dander he just wasn't alpha enough. He didn't maintain frame. He picked the wrong one. He should have found a good Christian girl.

@mutageno no, I found the original "political triangle" and updated it.

@southpole21 @ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel I legit want to see all the different LGBT genders do the care bear stare at Putin.

@LukeAlmighty @natsock @Wolffkran NATO legitimately thought the sanctions would work and the Ukrainians would easily defeat the Russian military.

They fully intended to moving on to pressuring China once Russia was defeated and broken up with over 40 countries controlled by the West (similar to how the West carved up the Ottoman Empire and created the modern Middle East).

They REALLY underestimated Russia, and there is no Plan B. They're just pretending they'll win somehow and doubling-down.

@LukeAlmighty They're not fighting to win because they can't afford to without militarizing and giving up on inflation.

You can't kick your manufacturing base into overdrive to expand your military without causing prices to skyrocket.

So they're sending Ukraine what they can, and they legit thought they would win. They were wrong.

They'll never get to the point where they win and begin rebuilding Ukraine as what happened in Iraq. NATO is fucked.

@NEETzsche @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta I assumed you were joking since your name is a Nietzsche reference, so shilling a Christian interpretation of history would be very out-of-character, but then again, most people don't understand Nietzsche in the first place.

@NEETzsche @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta This is the "great filter". Civilizations can only become so great until they become victims of their own success and the losers within that society burn it down out of envy and resentment.

@ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel India didn't have a choice. That's because Russia is a major food and energy exporter during a global food and energy crisis cause by the US's money printing.

Notice nobody threw Iran a bone until Russia (after being sanctioned) became their best friend. It's not so much that the world is sick of the US, but that they need Russian food and energy exports to survive.

@ButtWorldsMan @dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel Defeating NATO militarily is the beginning of the end for the ZOG/Cathedral.

The economic and military might of the US was how it kept the world in line. It lost it's economic might with the backfiring sanctions in 2022, and it's been shown that their military isn't invincible in 2023.

How do they plan on defeating China and Russia at the same time when they can't even beat Russia on their own?

@dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan The reason for these attacks on civilians is that NATO wants Russia to attack Ukrainian civilians so that NATO can have a pretext to escalate the conflict.

Russia is doing the right thing by stepping up local defenses to protect civilians, but not fighting terrorism with terrorism. They don't need to, they're winning.

The Spring mud should be dry soon. Ukraine will launch their "counteroffensive" and then it'll be over.

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