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@Pain66 nobody is born strong. The difference is internal vs external motivation.

Some people can live in a world of cheap unhealthy food and remain fit and healthy by exercising and not stuffing their face.

Other people need food to be scarce and to be put to hard labor to diet and exercise.

One is strong, and one is weak.

@Pain66 we have a spiritual problem, and it's the weakness in men.

Call it whatever you like. Dress it up with whatever religious clothing you wish. Blame porn and anime if it makes you feel better, but the bottom line is that men are weak and women are whores because men are weak.

Luckily, the process that will cause men to become strong will also cause women to lose their rights and for the surplus population to be culled.

If you want to survive, become strong before it's too late.

@zebuceta @dander @VooDooMedic Maybe they actually think that perception is reality, and if they just push propaganda hard enough, and believe in themselves, that through the power of "the secret", the universe will make their propaganda come true.

@dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta The Russian MOD is saying it's bullshit and there was no attack.

Who knows that this guy's angle is or what he's trying to accomplish.

@VooDooMedic @dander Apparently it is true. They want nuclear war.

Article 5 means that NATO declares war on you.

@Shlomo For what it's worth the Russian Ministry of Defense is calling it misinformation, and claiming the attack didn't happen.

@MechaSilvio It's because Asia is the only place where you can fine cheap skilled labor.

They are building a chip factory in Arizona, but people are worried that due to American labor prices, the American chips would be uneconomical.

You can't find intelligent skilled workers who are willing to work for slave wages outside of Asia.

@Deuces I'm not even mad. I guarantee she voted for everything that led to her death.

Toll paid. Moving on.

@WashedOutGundamPilot I think it's related to the sunk-cost fallacy, wherein people won't walk away from something after they've spent a considerate amount on it. It sounds like they're trying to use these fallacies as "hacks" to motivate them to do something.

It doesn't really work though. It's all about pain. The pain of "wasting" your money needs to exceed the pain of actually doing the thing in question (guitar lessons, going to the gym, etc).

It it doesn't, it won't work.

@nugger @WashedOutGundamPilot The government is currently fighting inflation with propaganda and bullshit, even in the face of falling supply and increasing demand.

I'm actually waiting for OPEC/BRICS/SCO to have enough of the West's shit and do something serious.

I'm just a speculator, so I have to put up with the government's bullshit, but OPEC+ is made up of over a dozen countries who's economies rely on commodities exports, and they're getting screwed by the price manipulation.

@WashedOutGundamPilot even if people don't understand the mechanics of inflation, they'll understand starving to death. Just look at Zimbabwe. They kicked all the white people out, printed their country into bankruptcy, and are now starving to death.

Economics is an intelligence check for a civilization. If you don't pass, you die.

@BroDrillard @WashedOutGundamPilot @noyoushutthefuckupdad They'll basically be like holocrons from Star Wars, which contained AIs based on the creator and served a Jedi/Sith e-textbooks.

Kinda of the same concept, but more like a diary where you can ask your "ghost" questions about your life.

Of course, you're still dead, but your descendants will be able to talk to your "holocron" and feel more connected to their ancestors, which will be pretty cool.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @noyoushutthefuckupdad If you lose a job interview to an inanimate object and a chatbot, you such at your job.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @WashedOutGundamPilot based on the prices of high-end animatronics at places like Disneyland, "fully functional" robots will be too fragile and expensive to be economical.

Eventually we'll have artificially grown "synths" like in Fallout 4/Blade Runner that are "human" with AI minds.

In the meantime, waifu AI already works great, and you can use a doll for physical affection cheaply.

I recommend for a fully custom AI waifu experience.

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