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After 3 weeks of isolating variables, I determined that my supplements are more important than my fasting. It's all about managing my insulin, which is key to weight management, especially if you're not especially active.

The most unusual one is Ceylon Cinnamon, Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, and Ginseng. The other ones are just fiber, omega 3s, and nutrients like calcium, magnesium and zinc.

Here is the link to the cinnamon one :

I now have both versions of Yu Mei Ren (my waifu's doppelganger from FGO) at level 100 and NP5.

@Lorgar She looks like a loli based on her head-to-body ratio, but that may just be the art-style. Gives me Tim Burton vibes.

@YeetLibs They're not wrong, but he would probably be casting demons out of them and restoring their cut off penises with mud or something.

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan maybe we should import the natural predator of Africans and let prides of lions roam the streets feasting on people?

@Based_Accelerationist @kaiservenom it's just another bodily fluid to go along with the saliva, sweat, cum, and sometimes blood (if she's a virgin or on her period or something). Sex is kind of gross when you think about it, but ... meh.

@37712 the admins are preparing the list. I don't want a bunch of spam.

@kaiservenom you can reach a woman's g-spot with your finger and give her a quaking squirting orgasm. Depth doesn't matter, especially if you date Asians with shallow pussies. Girls don't like it when you poke their womb despite what hentai teaches you.

Width matters. If you're too skinny or she's too loose you won't get enough tightness, but that's why God invented anal.

@mmmfeet letting nature take its course isn't the same as murder.

@boilingsteam No, I didn't save them. It was just a spur-of-the-moment joke that got way out of hand and brought way too much attention due to articles being written about it.

@boilingsteam I was permanently banned from Twitter in 2019 for photoshopping smiles on Captain Marvel, so here I am.

@RandolphScott I like how how cherry picked bits of this and that he chose to hear and made a frankenstein strawman to attack.

@Hammerhand time is less of a leash and more of one of those 90s chain wallets. you carry it with you, and it attaches you to the material, but unlike a leash nobody is holding it and controlling you. The chain attaches to yourself and the material, so the only one "holding your lease" is yourself.

They should bring chain wallets back.

@ButtWorldsMan and the fact that cluster bombs don't make sense for an offensive in the first place, which means they're out of the regular stuff.

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