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@basedbagel Those posts are written by women LARPing as men to combat "toxic masculinity", or by effeminate bottoms.

@basedbagel It's very fair because the reason sexual harassment makes women (but not men) uncomfortable is because men can easily physically dominate and rape them, but the same is not true for men.

If an unattractive women hits on you and even pinches your butt, you can smile and laugh it off because there is no way she's going to physically overpower you and rape you, so you're not afraid of her.

That's why I brought up the gay men who are bigger and stronger than you.

@AKEmon869 suffering can be infinite because beyond the physical pain itself, it's a thought that can be recursive and reinforcing.

For example, you can go broke (pain) and then either work your ass off to pull yourself out of poverty or embrace minimalism and be happy with less.

Or you could imagine a scenario where you're a victim and it's everyone else's fault but yours, and do nothing but bitch about how much you hate those responsible.

The latter scenario involves infinite suffering.

@basedbagel how would you feel if you were being sexually harassed by gay men who were bigger and stronger than you?

@UnpopularOpinion I'm not making fun of deaf or blind people. I'm making fun of retards. These people aren't handicapped, they're stupid.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan I'm only down 25%, and I'm not even worried. I can see the government getting more desperate to keep energy prices down daily.

@houseoftolstoy I don't see anything in there about making fun of retards. I'm not calling them fools, I'm calling them retards . . . because they are retards.

If God didn't heal them of their retardation, then obviously it's God's will that they remain retards. Why does God hate them? Who am I to judge?

Anyone calling me a fool for making fun of retards is in danger of the fire of hell according to Jesus himself.

@ButtWorldsMan If you're almighty, create a rock that you yourself cannot lift.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @chrislw those are all state taxes, so it depends, but I'm not talking about state taxes.

@Pain66 @mono No, I just think it's interesting that they're making anime figurines out of precious metals now.

@ButtWorldsMan what's the difference as far as going to hell for making fun of them is concerned?

The Bible says you go to hell for 1,000s of things but never once mentions making fun of retards to be one of them, but whenever you make fun of retards, people tell you you're going to hell.

I've always found that weird.

@thatguyoverthere but Very Real Retards have already taken over the world, and replaced workers via diversity quotas and affirmative action.

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