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@chrislw most people don't pay a net tax. They get "screwed" by taxes, but get their money back and then some in benefits. Sure, they would like to pay less taxes, but more free shit is fine too.

As long as people get more from the government than it costs them, it's rational for them to support bigger government.

This is why the Welfare State going bankrupt is significant. People will see their taxes skyrocket or benefits be cut, which will unbalance the equation.

@furgar it had something to do with an assassination attempt on the current prince of Saudi Arabia and occurred during a struggle for power between him and his relatives.

I haven't looked too deeply into it, but dig a little and see what you find.

@mangeurdenuage mix the cocoa and butter first, and adjust to taste, before adding it to the rest of the ingredients and mixing it together. You can also replace the butter with other fats or even apple sauce if you're making a low fat cake.

@TheOneBallWonder America still controls the global monetary system via the dollar, and BRICS won't launch their gold backed alternative until next month, but after that things could change quickly.

@AngryWraith it's real. FDS is a reddit sub for "alpha women" who are as entitled as they are deluded.

@ButtWorldsMan @Pain66 Marxists and women demanded welfare, but the Welfare State was "sold" to people during the Great Depression (which the government caused) when all people wanted were jobs.

@duponin cats act the way they do because they are solitary by nature. Dogs act the way they do because they are pack animals by nature.

Humans are generally "social animals" like dogs, while Autists are generally solitary like cats.

I sometimes wonder is autism is a epigenetic response to our more solitary society than are the fault of childhood vaccines.

Anyway, I have insomnia so don't mind me.

The government should have been overthrown 100 years ago, but they were cunning and created the Welfare State to buy the people off and make them dependent on them.

When the Welfare State goes bankrupt, we'll return back to that long overdue overthrowing.

@Deuces Yes, it turns out importing poor uneducated criminals due to a skilled labor shortage wasn't the best idea in hindsight, but what other choice did they have? They can't cut spending or increase birthrates, so flooding their countries with rapists was the logical choice.

@Deuces They haven't run the numbers, but what other choice do they have? They would sell their own children into slavery if it meant keeping their welfare flowing, and they more or less have.

@37712 @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave I'm actually in pretty good shape and just sharing some tips as I learn to optimize my health. I'm not morbidly obese with two china like my co-hosts.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 I do weights 3X a week. I did hammer curls and shoulder presses today.

When you get to be 40+ you need to do a little more than pushups to avoid gaining weight.

@37712 It's free and there are no ads. It's supported entirely by whales with no impulse control.

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