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TIL That can make full nudes, so I fell down a rabbit hole and this is the only image that I can share.

@cuddlebaboon I've seen those, but they only work with specific porn videos, although I will be reviewing something similar soon.

I accidently photo-bombed this one with my terrible troglodyte toes.

This one is just perfect. Even the background is awesome with all the technology in the background, which fits Cel being an AI. The lighting, the pose, the appropriate number of digits. *chef's kiss*

It's Circus Freak Friday! We've got...

1. Mermaid Celestina
2. Lamia Celestina
3. Backwards Celestina
4. Siamese Twin Celestina

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @dander @kaiservenom what can the right openly do with glowies everywhere and the average conservative still in denial?

@mangeurdenuage One time Sometimes people go on a weekend bender, spend all their money and forget that they have bills to pay. The wake up with a hangover on Sunday, and go to work on Monday complaining about how they ruined their life and they don't know what they're going to do.

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan Yes, I'm sure the government printing money and manipulating the market won't horribly backfire like it has every single other time a government did the exact same thing.

@ButtWorldsMan The FED is bailing out the banks in real time and gobbling up all the deposits to pay for government spending.

The economy will be fine, but inflation is going to rip like a Taco Bell fart.

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