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@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan if you want to profit from the BRICS currency, just own gold, and don't even mess with the BRICS currency directly

@ButtWorldsMan To be fair, there are much smarter people that have lost a lot more than me because they were using leverage and options, and there is still hope that commodities will by the end of the year, but definitely next year.

@eriner they don't acknowledge that because they know decentralization from government cannot be accomplished without war, and they not only don't want to go to war against the centralized government, but they know that there are federal agents everywhere looking for "insurrectionists" who will raid their house and murder them.

The sheep bleat loudly as they walk into the slaughterhouse hoping someone not them will do something.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta any man who will impale communists with me is my true brother.

@Scubbie @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan That's a good example actually. The anarchist's cookbook has a lot of bullshit in it. You're better off looking into improvised weapons books by actual militaries.

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan The turner diaries isn't a philosophical book, it's just Nazi fan fiction. It's basically like "The Power" where lesbian feminists imagines how they could take over the world if they all became superheroes with lightning powers and could (finally) beat men in a fight.

It's THAT, but for white supremacists. There is nothing to "learn" there.

@ButtWorldsMan their critical mistake is thinking that "strong" means only physical strength, and not . . . you know . . . working hard, not being a pussy, doing the painful but necessary things in life, willpower, etc.

There are plenty of gym bros on welfare who support Communism. Lifting weights isn't the silver bullet we need.

The problem isn't men are physically weak, especially when we have guns and drones to fight for us. The problem is that men are weak in all the other ways.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @37712 BRICS is slow rolling not out of respect for the big brains in charge of the West, but because they are worried America will nuke them out of spite and they need to arrange things in such a way as to create a checkmate scenario and prevent a nuclear exchange.

Beating the West wouldn't be hard at this point, but doing so without being nuked is much more difficult.

@franco I'm trying other things that might be causing the problem

Since my fiber internet and VPN upgrades didn't fix the problem, I'm going to switch restreaming to multiple platforms off of my computer and utilize Restream, which allows up to 5 simultaneous streams for $20 a month. I could go more, but it get expensive quickly.

Maybe streaming to multiple sites simultaneously is causing the problem somehow? Worth a shot I guess. I'm all out of ideas.

@VooDooMedic @dander curved dick is a good thing, but you have to angle it upwards to hit her g-spot.

also get some Joker and Halsey Quinn cosplay and make her call you "Mr J."

@chjara @ezio @a13cui


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🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 FEDI-FRIENDS are irreplaceable💖 I could never fediblock you FEDI-FRIENDS!💖

@zebuceta @Scubbie @37712 @ButtWorldsMan if there was no internet I would have to go back to sucking dicks at truckstops again.

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