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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu it's that I feel rested and can't fall asleep. It's not like I wake up with bloodshot eyes or anything. I can function as good as someone who got a full night's sleep. I sometimes need to take a nap or meditate when I get burned out or sleepy is all. Lots of old people take naps and Mexicans take siestas all the time.

@idea_enjoyer most people don't have opinions, and merely conform. They will always support "the current thing" as long as they perceive that they're on the side of the majority (even if they're not, the perception is all that's required).

The bad news is that you can't save them. The good news is that you don't need to. All you need to do is win, and they'll immediately conform and join you once your side is now perceived to be the majority.

@furgar I would simply add that it's just that they're ugly, but they're also stupid and lazy.

@ButtWorldsMan I never know how to manage that little tuff of hair on the top. I try slicking it back, but it always sticks up unless I use pomade.

@idea_enjoyer I have a thought experiment/parable about this.

Imagine if vampires were real and humans formed vampire-hunter groups, but people argued that the problem isn't vampires, but men because Dracula was a man, and that female vampires are sexy, so they should be left alone. Then the "vampire hunters" only attacked male vampires as well a normal humans who wore too much black or liked rare steak.

Meanwhile the vampires would continue to prey on humans and grow stronger.

I found a new tea mixture.

1/2 green tea

1/4 herbal chai tea (Bengal Spice)

1/4 herbal vanilla spice (Fireside Vanilla Spice)

The chai tea has too much clove and the vanilla spice has too much licorice, but splitting the two strikes a good balance.

The herbal teas are from Celestial Seasonings. The green tea is from Uncle Lee. Just get the cheapest green tea as it's all the same with one ingredient. Uncle Lee's is $5 for 100 bags.

@lain the only one that stayed true was the trap, proving once again that men are the only ones you can count on.

@DStheo I'm familiar with the I Ching. It's Chinese astrology, and tends to "work" because the answers are so vague and generally applicable that it would be hard for it to not work.

If you're having fun with it, continue to have fun.

@Pain66 she's going to find out that the guys willing to date a "former" Onlyfans "model" isn't just better.

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