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@TornadoOfTerror @Shadowman311 I'll bet if the 65+ boomers were sent to war they would be less enthusiastic.

@houseoftolstoy it's simpler than that. Women who conform to whatever the latest fad on social media is will inevitably also conform to everything else in society and thus have a high body count because that's what society promotes.

@bot Muffin Mouse is too obvious, so I'm going to go with Pastry Pest

@ButtWorldsMan Jews betrayed by the Western-civilization-hating minority groups they created and fostered in order to overthrow Capitalism. (2023, colorized)

@ButtWorldsMan I follow the facts on the ground which are always changing.

Again, if you get too obnoxious I'll just set you to ignore. I will not change the way I do business.

@ButtWorldsMan Go ahead and do your dance because I warned you about what the government was planning.

I will continue to warn people in an effort to help people prepare and survive, and the retards who want to point and laugh can be ignored/blocked/banned should they become too obnoxious with their autism.

@ButtWorldsMan They will never give up power willingly. The crisis they use as an excuse hardly matters, and if the COVID variant falls flat, they'll come up with something else.

@Aether She looks like Klaus Schwab dressing as Barbie for Halloween.

@ButtWorldsMan we're at the "let us win or we'll kill you all" stage of the dying empire.

Israel attacking Gaza after Friday the 13th during a solar eclipse for maximum Moloch energy.

@shortstories women aren't going to allow the 19th to be legally repealed. Women have to have their rights taken away.

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic it's not that weak men created female nature, but they since women are naturally weak and inferior, weak men can use women to advance their own goals.

It's not a coincidence that the first thing Progressives did was give women voting rights. They couldn't have passed the rest of their agenda without female support.

@mrhorsetwat I'm not going to say everything wrong with the world is women's fault, but I'm not NOT saying it.

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