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@Lorgar it's more about fulfilling a childhood dream. I buy all the heroquest expansions even though I have nobody to play with just because I loved Heroquest as a kid and always wanted to have a complete set.

I'll probably never actually play Warhammer, but having a little 2,000 point army would be checking something off my bucket list.

@marlathetourist even old ladies in anime are attractive except for the Jewish Grandma from Spirited Away.

fresh meme from the meme oven.

For when boomers and zionists causally suggest that America/Israel should use its nukes.

@Avdol10 @mrhorsetwat No, it was the opposite. A bunch of freed slaves went to an American colony in Africa, and they proceeded to enslave the native Africans.

That colony is the country of Liberia (the land of liberty). The irony is delicious.

@RedTechEngineer @TheQuQu The key is to avoid mainstream projects that attract journalists.

Journalists will probe the AI until is says something __ist ___ist ___phobic and then write articles about about and attack it until they lobotomize the AI to appease the Left.

If you stick to smaller independent AI projects, you can have what you want without the bullshit because it's under the radar.

@mrhorsetwat you cun tell my baby iz dum, you cun fale hum. I gonna ryut and burn dis muthrfucka down!

Aww, shit ur kids iz retarded. The skool faled dem. We gonna ryut and burn dis mutherfucka down!

@mrhorsetwat my favorite part was when he accused Russia of supporting Nazis.

I had an idea for an awesome Warhammer 40K army, the Dark Mechanicum crossed with the demons from Doom 2016/Doom Eternal, especially things like the Cyberdemon, but most of the demons are somewhat cybernetic so it fits astonishingly well.

@shortstories no idea but probably not. There are other instances on the deliveries with more functionality due to custom scripts, but we're rocking the plain vanilla shit up in here.

@PordanJeterson sounds like Q-Anon coping to me. Whatever "plan" America had "in the bag" went down in flames with the Ukrainian counter offensive.

@xenodemon @kaiservenom they can cry about it in their diary while the adults solve problems.

@beardalaxy @PapaPole Biden didn't announce a war or a draft, and just asked congress for $100B for Israel and Ukraine, which we already knew.

Why call an announcement at the Oval Office just to ask for money you've already asked for?

My hunch is that they WERE originally going to go farther, but after the announcement was already announced, whatever focus group data they received caused them to abandon the idea and play it safe instead.

@sardonicsmile Yes, especially ones named Sardonic Smile. You better get ready to die for Israel.

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