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@ButtWorldsMan The homeless give each other toothless blowjobs, they're not picky.

Should I review another sex toy today or take the day off? I haven't taken a day off in a while. Then again, is reviewing a sex toy even count as work when you think about it?

These are the real philosophical questions.

@Terry they concentrate their efforts corrupting/influencing the bodies that actually have influence.

For example, the Senate voted unanimously to support Israel. Even Rand Paul, who "missed" the vote, was pressured to vote remotely.

The UN matters as much as a twitter poll, which is why it is allowed to be anti-Israel.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @DemonSixOne This is the downside of dating fat chicks. Sure, they put out for a Sara Lee cheesecake, but they're lazy slobs.

@SuperLutheran I agree and I wish you luck. The early Christian church functioned very similarly on a small scale when it was an underground Roman movement after all.

I think you'll just find that if you succeed you'll be a victim of your own success and groups will insert their different values and politics into your movement in order to subvert it to their own ends, and in the end, things will be more or less exactly as they are, and if you try to impose an orthodoxy, your church will split.

@SuperLutheran Having a hands off approach and letting congregations do their thing will certainly work for growth, but how will you maintain consistency when it comes to the particulars of the religion?

There is a reason there are thousands and thousands of Christian denominations which all interpret the Bible differently and promote different values and politics.

@BigTony I thought Enter Electro had a weaker story than the original Spider Man on PS1, but it retained the comic-book charm and was still worth a playthrough.

@ImperialAgent He's partly right because the the economy SHOULD have crashed between March and May when the banks were failing, but unlike in 2008 when the government waited months before buying up the sub-prime mortgages, the Federal Reserve acted immediately to bail out banks in real-time.

GDP is only positive because of massive government debt and spending ($600B in one month).

We're heading for a debt crisis and something between stagflation and hyperinflation.

@SuperLutheran The problem is that while everyone might want change, nobody can agree on what they want instead.

Complaining casts a wide net and gets you a lot of support, but once you start suggesting solutions, you'll find that support erode and your support fracture into deferring groups with their out values and interests.

It takes a lot of resources to "reform and rebuild" anything, and historically consensus is built by the strong imposing THEIR vision on the weak.

@ButtWorldsMan that's pretty clever. Just point out how over-represented "mormons" are and wait for the internet to "correct" you.

@dander @shortstories It's a normal part of getting old. Your skin loses is elasticity and begins drooping, and "lose" your earlobe gap as your skin sags.

You can pull the skin back with plastic surgery or use botox or whatever, but your earlobe gap will still be gone.

@mangeurdenuage try using dishsoap. oil and water don't mix, so you'll need something a bit stronger than handsoap to clean oil off your hands.

However, using dishsoap will dry your hands because it removes the natural oils in your skin, so use some moisturizer for something other than masturbation for once.

@VooDooMedic it could be, but I need to know more.

Also it says it uses blockchain but doesn't use cryptocurrency tokens and isn't a CBDC, so I'm interested to know how it works and how accounts are settled.

If it's tied to claims on real assets (especially gold) we're in business.

@cuddlebaboon @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat the reason the government doesn't blame sugar is because it's not sugar, it's high-fructose corn syrup, and the reason we use high-fructose corn syrup is because the corn lobby is very influential, so we subsidize corn and tariff sugar from South America, making high fructose corn syrup cheaper.

Your body can't absorb fructose as energy (as opposed to glucose). It has to be processed by your liver. Too much fructose becomes fat as your liver is overloaded

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