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This is a bit random, but if you're into the same music as me (I like chillhop/jazzhop and relaxing beats with "whisper" singing) and you like Alana Baraz, she made a new album about a month ago, and some of the new tracks are really good.

Here's one I've been listening to a lot recently:

@ButtWorldsMan yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I think things will slow down as we enter the holiday season though, so being productive won't be that important.

After New Year, things will get busy again, but if I can lose these last 20 lbs I'll be golden heading into 2024.

@37712 @sardonicsmile It's 100% real. You are forced to take distributions from your retirement accounts at 70 so the government can collect taxes on it.

This only applies to retirement accounts. If you're just rich and have money in a brokerage, that's fine. It's only tax-differed retirements account that force you to take withdrawals and pay taxes.

Well, I think I figured out why I can't lose these last 20 lbs. It's basically my insomnia and that (due to working from home) I'm sitting at my computer too much. Even exercising and calorie restriction isn't enough.

I need to figure out how to take more walks and will probably have to go back on my lions mane mushroom to deal with my insomnia again.

@DoubleD What do you get when you wish for a war?

Wondering what Muslims are even good for?

Wanting the West to rise like the sun.

Everyone else just wants ... Jew... cum

I don't like the smell of it

@DoubleD well he isn't cucking, but he isn't escalating either.

My balls right now:

@37712 her face and body are all wrong. She's just wearing glasses. . . . that's it. Just because a girl is wearing glasses doesn't mean she's IRL Celestina.

Here is a chick on Instagram that looks like Celestina:

@Engineer The problem is I have no means of transport. I don't have a bunch of empty oil drums to store the oil off the tanker, nor the means to transport said drums to your warehouse even if it was free.

@Mike_Microwave @DoubleD Yes. I didn't think they'd give them to Lebanon. I knew they'd give them to Syria and Iran because they're Russian allies, but Lebanon?

Using Wagner as a middle-man gives Russia plausible deniability.

I had an idea . . . jalapeno pickle poppers. It's fun to say.

@DoubleD It was beaten into me as a military intelligence analyst to build a rational picture based on limited data and make actionable recommendations while admitting that my knowledge gaps are subject to change based on changes on the ground.

This is why it's easier to look backwards and report what DID happen rather than look forward and talk about what MIGHT happen.

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