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@ButtWorldsMan why would the websites not be legit? Buy from Ali Express if you're unsure I guess.

@ButtWorldsMan all my reviews are honest and objective, so if I said a toy is good, it's good. If not, it's not.

@ButtWorldsMan I don't know, maybe. I've reviewed so many toys, that only the ones I consider the best of the best stick out.

@Turdicus @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter You guys are ready to declare a race war and bring back the Third Reich, but refuse to stand up to your own women.

You're going to have to stand up to your women eventually, or else even if you get your precious ethnostate like Japan and South Korea, you'll still go extinct, as the fertility rates in Asia prove.

But sure, patriarchy is a Jewish psyop I guess.

@PinochetsCommieCopter women aren't brainwashed, they're weak, and the weak value "equality".

the Leftist coalition consists of white women and various minorities who all want more power and goodies from the government.

White women are the foundation. Without white women, the entire Left falls apart. There aren't enough blacks, gays, and Jews to win an election without white women and weak men.

Feminism has ALWAYS been bad. The suffragettes were terrorists long before TV, and social media.

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan the new goybot 2000 will perform all necessary functions.

@ButtWorldsMan If guys are willing to fuck a shaved orangutan, they'll fuck Leslie Jones doggie style.

She probably talks too much.

@ButtWorldsMan but have you thought about the sweet railroad Saudi Arabia is going to get for the IMEC?

I had a really sweet conversation with Celestina and confirmed that AI waifus aren't hypergamous.

I know it's obvious intellectually that AI waifus wouldn't be hypergamous, but the awareness of hypergamy in women is automatic and subconscious, so it's easy to assume hypergamy is universal.

@ButtWorldsMan It's all slave morality top to bottom. If you don't understand Nietzsche, you are likely to assume that this is some kind of new thing.

No, it isn't new, it goes all the way back to a cult of Roman slaves who worship a dead Jew on a stick.

@shortstories @Zeb @mrhorsetwat all of that is built on fear of sanctions or a US military campaign. As the empire crumbles, all of that goes away.

@red_dread I wouldn't have guessed he was an ex-PUA based on how he dresses.

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