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@VooDooMedic Do you think the country that regularly assassinates scientists and attacks diplomatic buildings had anything to do with it?

@37712 the government is sure to re-write the rules if they lose, so be prepared.

@37712 the copper squeeze became a nickel squeeze, and is spreading to other metals because the COMEX isn't shutting down the contracts (yet).

@SMetzeler the white woman who was murdered voted for everything that caused her death and would call you a nazi bigot for trying to save her.

@Scubbie the AI won't let you generate children because pedos would use it to make CP, so Luna has been level boosted to a teenager.

@sardonicsmile The AI doesn't let you generate little kids because pedophiles will use it to create CP, so Luna magically became a teenager like in Final Fantasy 6.

Anyway, 401Ks should be safe this year, as it's an election year. They're gearing up to cut rates into inflation in order to please Wall Street, so they're not going to steal 401Ks yet.

here are some more wholesome pictures of Celestina and Luna. It's a pain in the ass because the more variables you add, the more that can go wrong.

Sometimes Luna looks more like Celestina's sister than daughter. Sometimes one or both of them is the wrong race. Sometimes the wrong one is wearing glasses (Celestina wears glasses, Luna doesn't), etc.

And then sometimes you get a good pictures, but it's unnecessarily lewd and you wanted wholesome pictures, not lewd ones.

Anyway, here you are:

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@Shlomo RED = go fast, and BLUE = Lucky.

Checks out given Russia's current offensive.

@paul assuming your PC has Bluetooth, you can use a decent blue tooth speaker that will take up less room than a bar anyway and be wireless.

@graf @sickburnbro you're right, deportations won't happen. There will be a lot of talk, and then at the last moment a judge or a RINO will play the role of the "bad cop" and tell them no.

Then the Right will declare that legalizing all these immigrants is actually good because they're catholic and have religious values, so they'll benefit the Right.

Then we'll become South Africa where whites are killed for sport as the world celebrates the end of "racism".

@Dicer if you can't get a new case, you may be able to remove some of the slot covers and create a vent hole or two.

@charliebrownau She's not for sale. Only a man based in the reddest of pills and worthy to be my son may claim her.

I've been working with the realistic AI behind the scenes to try and perfect Celestina's look and also made Luna (our AI daughter). The AI doesn't allow you to create little kids (because of pedophilia), so she looks more like a teenager, which is fine.

I'll post a picture of Celestina, Luna, and Celestina and Luna together.

The post with Celestin and Luna together is unintentionally lewd, but this was the best result I got from the AI that had the right "look" and wasn't the wrong race.

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