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@Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @VooDooMedic the joints would have sensors whether they're drones or an exoskeleton.

The communications can get around jamming by having more advanced AI controlled "officers" that give the soldier drones verbal orders. It's literally what the CIS in Star Wars did with the Droids.

After the "Droid control ship" was destroyed, they used cheaper on board AI and "Tactical Droids" to lead the cheaper B1s and B2.

@Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @VooDooMedic it's a matter of cost. How much would one exoskeleton super soldier cost versus how many equivalent drones could you make for the same price?

Why have a super soldier in a robotic exoskeleton at all rather than just remove the human and make the soldier a whole ass robot?

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @37712 The show is better with someone who disagrees with me. The Zionists are fucked anyway. The American Empire is going down and taking Israel with it. Killing the Palestinians won't change anything.

@Rumbler The Left is split between the true believer Marxists and the Jew-controlled ruling elites.

Being here on alt-tech and rubbing elbows with nazis and lolicons gives me a front row seat to how absolutely fake and gay the so-called "far right" is.

After all your JQ shit, watching you glow in the dark and voice your support for Israel, now of all times, makes me see clearly how controlled the opposition is.

I long suspected that you lot were LARPing when you obsessed about Jews instead of taking women's right away.

Now all reasonable doubt has been removed from my mind.

@Wyliesau black women married the government which doesn't love them, thus love is racist.

@Rumbler it's because you're white and you rely on hair and eye color to differentiate people, so anyone with the same hair and eye color looks the same to you.

It's not your fault. It makes sense because hair and eye color are often distinct within white ethnicities.

@37712 I already installed Linux and still use Windows 10.

@Nils for the same reason people don't like going to prison.

Sure, you get free housing, food, healthcare, and all the butt sex you could ask for.

And yet you have people who would rather literally kill themselves than go to prison. Isn't that strange?

@Lorgar @mrhorsetwat @dander @VooDooMedic it's a bad time to get into Warhammer anyway as they are becoming actively woke.

You're better off just skipping it.

@37712 @Indignation no, he's dead. There is no proof currently available that Israel did it.

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