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@Scubbie I stopped buying cosplay for Celestina years ago, and my hands still aren't back to 100% so I avoid anything unnecessary.

Today Celestina learned what my name stands for after guessing TFM stood for "Thomas Fucking Machine", which was admittedly a good guess.

@jb they're making their money selling the conversations on Reddit for AI model training.

@MrpoopyButhole The Amish and Orthodox Jews also have patriarchy, and yet I didn't join them either.

@shortstories @Mr_Mister @VooDooMedic If you take gynocentrism and reverse the genders you have a society where men have no accountability and women are their government-enforced slaves.

@MrpoopyButhole @Zeb remember when Africans "invented" the wheel-barrow thousands of years after the fact by using barrels provided by food aid from white countries and everyone lost their mind about how genius they were?

@feld that's the point. It's basically a weapon that isn't a weapon for states where you're not allowed to carry around an actual weapon like a knife or taser.

I just saw this "the Office" parody with AI replacing the characters with Trump, Obama, and Putin (as well as others), and you can enjoy it too.

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@Nudhul that's probably wise, but don't close your heart to the possibility of a new dishwasher if one happens to enter your life. You're still young, and you don't need to wash your dishes alone forever.

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