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I'm a big fan of the gut punch which transitions into a hair-pull down into a knee to the face combo.

If you don't wear pants, the blood is easier to clean off.

@philosophy I've been recently tipping my toe into hermeticism, which has a LOT of bleedover into Taoism and Buddhism, so much so that I suspect an Indian origin.

I look at is as "different doors to the same room". You can find enlightenment through western religion if you actually go all the way.

If you pray "not my will, but thine be done" and mean it, giving up your self to be an instrument of god's will, surrendering wholly to god . . . then that's just a different door to the same room.

We went from a god that encompasses all things to a god that is perfectly loving and kind and only wants the best things for us . . . and then we created Satan to be the god of all the bad things in life like death and suffering.

Yet . . . we maintain a tradition of monotheism while practicing polytheism. It would be better if we acknowledged god similarly to the eastern Tao, as a personification of nature and reality itself, rather than a God of love and compassion.

That's my $0.02

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I think I might have figured out the moment things "went wrong" as it were.

Religion goes from animism (nature spirits) to polytheism (many gods representing different aspects of nature) to henotheism (one central god with lesser servile gods) to monotheism (only one god).

However, we had monotheism wherein god was all aspects of nature rolled into one. Things like good and evil couldn't be applied, just like with nature itself.

Then . . . we went backwards

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@dander @VooDooMedic probably NGOs building marxist bullshit colleges there. Who fucking cares? They can't even grow food there.

I don't know who needs to hear this today, but the secret to life is letting go of things that are outside of your control.

You're welcome.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @fightknightHERO building communities is important, but those communities have to be "no-go zones" where the police don't go because the entire community will rise up against them.

Muslims form these sorts of communities all the time. You need enough people to keep the government from raiding and killing you all though (see Ruby Ridge, Waco etc.) but with 10,000+ or so, you'll be untouchable.

All the raw materials are present. All that is lacking is the will.

A really good video about equality (aka equality of outcome, equity, cosmic justice, and probably a dozen other names because communists love word games.

Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell

@basedbagel here is a picture of my setup. I just bought the clocks on Walmart.

@basedbagel I bought a few clocks with large displays and set them to different timezones so that I can see what time it is in the UK and Australia at a glance.

@basedbagel that's why I tell people to suck dicks at truckstops instead.

Anyone can suck a dick.

@basedbagel The issue is that I get a lot of messages from people who want me to show them "how" to develop self control, and I suspect it's because they lack the abstract thinking and non-emotional thinking to have a vision and an internal.

Most likely because they're stupid.

I may have come to a realization I'd like to share.

I have been trying to come up with a solution to people who struggle with self discipline. They ask me "how" they can stop caring what others think, or "how" they can stop being lazy, and I think I understand the problem.

You need to develop the ability to envision the goal to stay motivated, which requires abstract thinking and the ability to have an internal model of the world.

This requires an IQ above 100.

Is weakness a product of IQ?

@37712 No, they didn't already pay. Why would pay for something 25 years in advance?

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