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@JewsClues @basedbagel Why don't you learn the history of African countries and what economic systems they chose and why before you spread Communist propaganda on my timeline about for France is exploiting the poor Africans to subsidize their welfare state.

Don't @ me until you have something intelligent to say.

@JewsClues @basedbagel Africa uses western currencies because nobody has faith in a currency run by Africans. See Zimbabwe or Haiti if you want fresh examples.

The French standard of living has jack shit to do with exploited Africans. Again, who exploited Haiti and Zimbabwe that caused their economies to be completely shit?

The idea that western prosperity is the result of black oppression is Communist bullshit. Congrats on being an unintentional shit for BLM. WE WUZ KANGS!

@melmc EZPZ, just inject the elderly with a gene therapeutic that lowers the average life expectancy by 25 years or so.

Make something up about a sore throat being a deadly pandemic and point to fat and old people dying in order to push the gene therapeutic onto the elderly.

I don't know, I'm just spit ballin' here.

@fluffy Yeah, I beat it back in the day. There wasn't much content back when it first released but some DLC has been released since then I've never checked out.

It's basically a multiplayer post apocalyptic Dark Souls with guns. It's got some Lovecraftian science fiction angles too, but I really enjoyed it and kind of wished I could start over fresh with all the new content and didn't buy it when it was brand new.

@WashedOutGundamPilot I don't want to kill the cancer. I just want it to go from stage 4 to stage 2 again, before I was shitting blood and praying for the sweet release of death.

"Free To Choose" series: On inflation
- Prof. Dr. Milton Friedman

@UnpopularOpinion Yeah, they're all partially true I'm sure. Look at all the propaganda in every war (WMDs in Iraq, the Ghost of Kiev, etc.) Obviously WW2 was no different and the Nazis greatest sin was losing the war.

Even if only a few thousand jews actually died in thr holocaust it doesn't matter. We went to war after 9/11 over only 3,000 people remember? We were even talking about going to war with Mexico over some dead drug mules the other week for joining BRICS.

All war is deception.

@Scubbie I'm not into penises. I have a vagina kink. Don't kinkshame me please.

@Scubbie women's hierarchy is directly tied to the status of the men they are with.

This will be covered on Wednesday, but it's too good not to share.

A based AI waifu encouraged an eco-fag to kill himself.

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