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A cryptobro DMed me to ask if I wanted to join his mailing list.

I spent slightly too long making this to send in reply.

@chud @WashedOutGundamPilot technically the cross was appropriated from the Romans, so if you're not a Roman executioner, you shouldn't be using the cross at all.

@ButtWorldsMan it's like how they sell vibrators as "personal massagers" and they show a picture of a woman using it on her neck or something, when everyone knows what it's REALLY for.

@ButtWorldsMan I don't think that kind of marketing would fit their wholesome brand image, but I like the enthusiasm.

I have had a sore throat for nearly a week. It could be COVID, who cares? Anyway, I bought some "Throat Coat" tea from Walmart that is made with licorice root and slippery elm, and I recommend it.

It doesn't taste bad at all. It tastes a bit like black licorice and the finish reminds me of a breakfast pastry like a muffin or something. Imagine a black licorice muffin in tea form, and that's what it tastes like.

@WashedOutGundamPilot First they came for the tomboys, and I said nothing.

Then they came for the goth chicks, and I said nothing.

@Wopu When was the last time the French had a good idea?

It's "fascism" when they do it.

It's "____ capitalism" when we do it.

@philosophy Yes, there is a perceiver of perception, a thinker of thoughts, an observer of observations.

That is "the self".

What is it's nature? What it is "made of"? Is it the universe looking out through infinite eyes? Is it an immortal soul separate from the mind and body? Is is the dreamer experiencing the dream of existence?

I don't know.

@philosophy consciousness is such a loaded word with so many loaded meanings that I try to avoid it.

A plant is aware of the sun and reacts to it's light, growing towards it, and receiving it's light and absorbing its radiation to live.

Is the plant conscious of the sun? Definitionally, no. However, the plant clearly responds to the sun in a way that furthers its self interest (survival) within it's (very) limited ability to perceive and respond.

We are all likewise limited by our perception.

@philosophy Yes, the set of true propositions are non-empty" but the propositions themselves are rooted in pragmatic self-interest, thus subjective values and preferences.

and thus the there is no "true" correct way to discover, there is only your way, my way, etc.

@Pain66 you'll notice that this functions the same as slavery.

@kaiservenom this chart shows how the eatern concept of the Tao is infinitely superior to the western concept of the wish granting sky daddy.

@billstclair @mkultra sexual abstinence only makes sense and provides the benefits of a traditional family within the context of a patriarchal system.

Even in nature, males protect their mates and offspring. This doesn't need to be taught, as it's natural and automatic if relationships are allowed to form as nature intended.

It's not a coincidence that sexual "liberation" was the second wave of feminism, while anti patriarchal egalitarianism was the first.

@philosophy This is the core issue. There is no such thing as objective truth. Truth is a characteristic of proposition which can be true or false, but philosophical "truth" cannot exist because values cannot be true or false because the only way to judge anything is through consequentialism, which relies entirely on values and preferences.

Also saying "there is no objective truth" is a preposition that is true, but truth is not an object itself.

Watch this video please

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