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"A magical place called prison"

an improv song I did on a stream once that someone clipped.

@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic I'm not losing any sleep. The US's war against inflation is going about as well as its war against Russia and will end the same way.

@zebuceta @37712 I wonder if there were Roman politicians advocating for unity with the Germans as they were raping a looting the Empire during it's fall?

@mischievoustomato @Wopu women are giant children with boobs. Once you understand this, everything they do makes perfect sense.

@southpole21 @ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat It's really simple. They're importing all the white women to Western Europe, and sending the white men to die so they can breed the women with their African goblins into a mighty Urukhai army.

We survived another pride month. Please take a moment of silence to remember those who weren't so fortunate.

@Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan No, you already forgot? They were stealing gas out of people's tanks with hoses and shit.

@dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta It's normal when your government is trying to import as many foreigners as possible.

@blitzdriver would I, could I, coat your throat on a moat? Would I, could I, you coat your throat on a boat?

@victor @mushroom_soup well to be fair, a guy with a neck tattoo sounds like the kind of guy who would marry a woman like this.

His life is likely a long series of unfortunate choices.

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