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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @37712 no, I'm paying thousands of dollars to wire up a house that isn't even mine in a state I don't want to live in, simply because I have no better choice.

@37712 I looked into that, but I don't get a good cellphone signal where I live. I get like one bar.

@37712 They buried the fiber lines the other day, but they have to rewire my entire house, and they can't come until Thursday. It was the earliest they could schedule me.

I was going to make an announcement tonight, but . . . yeah know.

The show is cancelled. My internet isn't even pretending to work tonight. This will be fixed by this time next week.

@MrpoopyButhole @basedbagel Yes, women pay less for car insurance. This is a well known fact.

@cuddlebaboon I'm thought about buying a camper van. If nothing changes by the time my lease is up, I may go that route.

@CleverMoniker @37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta Turkey got $18B and a bunch of weapons they wanted form the US that the US didn't want to sell them.

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @37712 Again, just like with Turkey, the US is trying to buy off countries to try to isolate China and Russia.

I get WHY they're doing it, but it's REALLY short-sighted. They're basically switching to the losing team at the end of the game.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @zebuceta India and South Africa is probably trying to play both sides. Brazil already had a color revolution, and Russia and China are being actively aggressed upon, but India and South Africa likely think they can cozy up to the US and get a deal like Turkey.

It's very sad to see countries being so easily bribed by America, but these are very poor countries.

If push comes to shove, BRICS is more than doubling in size, and they can move forward without these two states.

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