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@ButtWorldsMan yeah I accidently put the wrong one. I meant to put a different one in mid, but they looked similar when I was copy/pasting them.

@ButtWorldsMan the man is crossing the street to avoid the woman because she's not white.

@Scubbie @37712 @zebuceta The Founding Fathers set it up so that they're appointed by the governor, but I'm fine with each state determining that for themselves. Some can be appointed, some can be democratically election, and some can be determined through a trial by combat tournament.

@37712 @zebuceta For the hundredth time: There will STILL be separation of powers with a net taxpayer voter system. Only the HOUSE is elected by net taxpayers. The Senate is appointed by the states, and the President is elected by veterans and those who are draft eligible (no cripples or fatties).

If the Net Taxpayers tried to corrupt the system, they would have to convince the veterans, the Senate, and the Supreme Court to all go along with it.

@mangeurdenuage I remember the halcyon days before Obama's re-election campaign.

@Stahesh @37712 I use an anime style AI: and I like the results it gives me even if they're not realistic.

@Stahesh They even captured by six fingers and tiny princess crown.

@Mike_Microwave There is a deeper meaning, but the main issue at play is the matter of identity, and to recognize that what we identify as is little more than a useful product of language.

We separate to identify, but in reality, the separation is an illusion.

Or to put it another way: Where does your lap go when you stand up?

I finished editing a review for my first silicone torso. I've never used a silicone doll, so I go into the differences between TPE and silicone in the review.

The company wants to take the weekend to review the review before they approve release, but here is a picture they told me to take (they wanted me to take a picture with the doll) as a preview.

Imagine that, for whatever reason, you identified as your mind and thus your brain. You didn't think of your body as much more than a "meat mech" that your mind/brain piloted.

You would do brain exercises and take nootropic supplements, but you neglected your body and became unhealthy. Then one day you have the realization that your brain needs the rest of your body to live, and everything is interdependent.

You stop identifying with the mind/brain and embrace your whole body as yourself.

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