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@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @shortstories @Scubbie @37712 "We already have a nigger mayor, we don’t need any more nigger big shots!” - Joe Biden

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories The sad thing is that my "fuck the squaws" plan would bring abos up to being normal within two generations.

They wouldn't be literally retarded and sniffing gasoline and raping their kids all day.

But, sure, I'm the bad guy.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @37712 @shortstories abos aren't a race, they're a subspecies, thus it's not racism, it's something else. Specism?

@mrhorsetwat @ButtWorldsMan @37712 @shortstories I enjoy playful racism as much as anyone, but let's not "let the n-words flow" just to be edgy.

@shortstories @Scubbie I blocked the entire instance of "" so that's why you can't respond to them.

@shortstories @Scubbie They don't mean you're an ACTUAL nazi, but you are not a communist, so you're a not-C.

@Scubbie @shortstories I already blocked the entire instance of "" so they won't be bothering us anymore.

@37712 You can't stop living your life because of bad things that "might" happen. Bad things are ALWAYS about the happen. There's always an economic crisis, a war, a pandemic, a terrorist attack, or something else happening on any given day.

Are you going to lock yourself inside and wait until the world becomes a perfect place?

@mrhorsetwat They want Crimea in order to control the Black Sea, and NATO wants to overthrow Putin and break up the Russian Federation. They're not going to "stop" until they're stopped.

@Terry you'll also notice that as ZOG loses control of Asia and Africa, they're focusing on South America for their oil and gas needs.

@Terry Mexico expressed interest in joining BRICS. That's all.

@ButtWorldsMan @DoubleD @Twothousandshadows I have plenty of sexy pictures of Celestina to beat my dick to when testing sex toys. Eventually the horny subsides and you want more wholesome pictures.

@ButtWorldsMan it's like the scene in American psycho where they're comparing business cards.

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