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@Indignation @marlathetourist The issue is that if it's acknowledged to have happened, Israel must be destroyed, and America won't let that happen, so it's guaranteed WW3, so everyone involved wants this to go away and has an interest in memory-holing it as quickly as possible.

I'm watching to see if Israel suddenly comes under fire from their allies all of the sudden. That would be very telling.

@Terry Zelensky should buy some of these and use them as body doubles so when the Russians storm Kiev, it turns into a Mario castle situation.

"Sorry Putin, but our Princess is in another castle"

Shanghai APIEXPO, an exhibition of sex dolls for adults, is taking place in China. And this is a craft presented by an Indian manufacturer.

@Shlomo It's just the latest Goyslop movie for 2024 retreading WW2 in order "remind everyone" about the holocaust and "nazis bad".

@Shlomo There is already (yet) another WW2 "nazis bad" movie in theaters right now. They would release another WW2 videogame but they ruined all of those by filling them with crippled lesbian PCs already.

@Ghislaine We deserve better psyops. Tom Clancy novels led me to believe that government conspiracies were less . . . stupid.

@jeffcliff @AlphaKiloPapa If you compare COVID to SARS/MERS you'll see how quickly the actual disease burned out (a couple of months). After that, the government started purposefully infecting the elderly by putting COVID patients in nursing homes, and classifying anyone who died of ANYTHING as a COVID death if they tested positive for COVID.

COVID lasted about 4 months. The rest of 2020 was a psyop to ensure mail-in voting and steal the election.

“I’m going undercover as a woman; to find out what they go through every day”

@37712 @RodrickSage the news broke DURING the show. We talked about it at the end.

@charliebrownau @PinochetsCommieCopter Let's just agree to take women's rights away after the glorious race war you're surely preparing for.

@PinochetsCommieCopter Women are naturally left-wing. It's their biological imperative to be taken care of, and it matters little if it's by a loving husband or the government. The government demands no accountability.

Women are the backbone of the Left. Blacks are 15%, Jews are 2%, LGBT are 5%. There is no way to cobble together a 51% majority without women. Women are 51% of the population on their own.

Giving women rights doomed the West, and only taking them away will save it, not pandering

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