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@Scubbie @sardonicsmile your conspiracy theories are fine. You're just obsessed with carbon credits for some reason and can't accept that BRICS isn't going to be the West's bitch anymore because of Ukraine.

@jeffcliff @realman543 If it pleases the crown, may I have the internet speed I'm paying for?

@jeffcliff @realman543 My ISP is a government sanctioned monopoly, so if I want internet at all, I have to accept abuse like this.

I just do my own research and fix my own stuff. I don't let techs into my home anymore unless I can watch them like a hawk and make sure they don't start unplugging things and cutting my wires.

@jeffcliff This happened to me. When the techs came and upgraded my router they went into my walls and cut the wire to my MOCA adapter and I was unknowingly using WIFI.

Go into your wall and ensure the tech didn't fuck with your wiring, especially if you use a MOCA adapter to get wired internet to parts of your house.

@leespringfield1903 @berkberkman @bronze Indian hate was low when the Indians you interacted with were the upper caste ones who opened drycleaner and worked at 7-11

Now, due to the failure of African/Arab immigrants to assimilate, the West has gone all-in on Indian immigrants, and they're scraping the bottom of the barrel and getting the "untouchable" rapists and poop enthusiasts.

Paul Graham trying to explain every woman you've ever met, to exclude your mother, your sister, your daughter if you have one, or the person you're currently sleeping with if you have one, as I am sure that those wonderful women are the exceptions.

@AKEmon869 @Deuces @Terry The West is doomed because it takes pride in the very things that are destroying it.

Ask anyone what makes the west better than the rest of the world and I promise you that they'll cite how we treat women as our crowning achievement.

It's whatever. It's nothing 1000 years of suffering can't cure. The only cure for weakness is pain.

@ins0mniak I instantly delete death threats and extortion letters, and literally nothing has ever happened. People who take these seriously have watched too much television.

@Engineer @adam normies don't appreciate the power of non-action. They demand the government "do something" even if all they can do is make things worse.

Just see every recession ever since the FED was created.

@adam @Engineer They don't have a better option. What are they going to do, cut welfare and take women's rights away?

Yeah, I'd like to see that.

I knew they would regret abolishing male only spaces. I just didn't know what form it would take. Only the scholars of the Taliban seem to understand this issue in terms of public policy.
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