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@leespringfield1903 @Terry @Frondeur @Squadalah_Man Yes, we must distinguish between different groups within those groups. Why is there civil war in Syria? Why does our side revere Assad? Why is Iran an ally of Russia? Why are the Emirates so safe? It's not only religion. Our governments import literal criminals into Europe in order to destroy us.

@DW2 Their rational is that if you start a war, and retreat, but the enemy doesn't pursue you back to your country and conquer you, then you didn't lose.

@dictatordave It's very simple. Day time TV is full of black women because black women don't have jobs and are the ones sitting home watching TV all day.

@Terry so who’s ready to restore birthrates and btfo holes rights. Crack every feminist cunt skull, btfo simps and cucks that support wamynz rights and voting and make hwyte holes breed again?
Did Japan, Korea open their borders for millions of nogs and nons cos it’s an evil Jew plan?
Or their society, economy is collapsing cos no labor, the welfare state holes, boomers, neets and losers depend on need fresh meat to pay into it? And their gook whores stopped having kids decades ago

@Rasp @mechawatts When it comes to relationships, you get what you give. If you look for someone to satisfy your needs, people will sense how needy and selfish you are.

However, if you put other people first and show genuine love and concern for their well being, then they'll enjoy having you around (who wouldn't?)

So instead of looking for love and friendship to give you something. Try giving love and friendship to others.

No homo.

@greentext whenever a woman (or a trap) tells a rape story that skips important parts of the story with things like "long story short" or "one thing led to another" means that they weren't raped at all. They are just mad that the guy didn't call them back after fucking them and their feelings were hurt.

At least he admits he's a faggot.

@Rasp @mechawatts the whole point of TTRPGs is to get together with your friends. Adults don't just "hang out". There needs to be something planned, hence the need for TTRPGs.

Playing online with strangers . . . you might as well just play a videogame.

@Rasp I have faced similar issues. It's part of trying to game with adults with families and responsibilities. Here is my solution.

Replace TTRPG night with "Game Night" and have a bunch of games you can play with as few as 2 players, so even if only one other person shows up, you can play some games together and have fun.

Try Warhammer or One Page Rules, or consider board games like HeroQuest or Risk.

Barebells Protein Bars taste like straight up candy bars. I thought the Fit Crunch bars were good, but these don't even taste like protein bars at all. They taste more like Twix bars or 3 Musketeers bars.

They're not cheap at $2.50 each, even when you buy them in bulk, but god damn they are tasty.

@charliebrownau @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic I support BRICS because the United States government is a bigger threat to my freedom than BRICS.

I support Palestine because Jews are a bigger threat to my freedom than Muslims.

When these circumstances change, my support will change, and they likely will.

To stay free requires constant vigilance and a willingness to turn on former allies when they get too powerful and start having stupid ideas.

@aphron yes, they didn't give me anabolic steroids, but it got my noggin joggin and I looked into it and testosterone does fight inflammation, and many of the foods/exercises recommended to help with arthritis ALSO happen to raise testosterone.

I'm just connecting dots.

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