Since everyone is making up privileges I want to throw my hat in the ring.

1. Favorite child privilege- Parents unequally allocate resources to kids they like best.

This is unjust as kids can't control how much their parents like them.

Ex. My sister dropped out of school to be a prostitute and my family still supports her.

Meanwhile I'm the black 🐑 of the family due to my crazy conspiracy theories.

Woe is me

@basedbagel Can relate to sane family and honest social circle. I can't name a single family member who wasn't a net negative for me. I can't imagine doing work for someone and trusting them to pay me at the end.

I'm not sure these honest social circles really exist, though. I think it's more like a bunch of shits vouching for each other so that someone newly inducted into their "honest" circle can get scammed by all of them.


>Can relate to sane family and honest social circle.

People really don't talk about this enough.

Everything was all good until I started doing better than them.

>I'm not sure these honest social circles really exist, though

I can't say I blame you honestly because if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't believe it either.

I'll never forget the 1st time I went to a friend's 🏠 and NOONE was yelling all the time and arguing about bs.

Blew my mind that people lived like this

@basedbagel It's way more believable to me that a family would put on an act in front of guests than that they'd really be an exception.

I hear you but this was my best friend so I was at his 🏠 everyday and sometimes they didn't know I was there.

Here were some 🗝️ takeaways:

⏺️They argued from time to time but unlike my house there was NO yelling/talking over each other.

⏺️His parents allowed him privacy and didn't remove 🔒 on his door and go through his shit randomly.

⏺️ZERO violence of any kind. I got spanked/slapped alot and once my mom pulled a knife on my dad...

⏺️They asked their kids for input

and treated them with common human decency. Rarely any insults because they had a bad day

⏺️This one shocked me the most:

They genuinely ENJOYED each other's company and got homesick if they were away for long. 😲

I recall distinctly on my 1st 3 day field trip as a kid everyone but me cried on the way there because they missed their fam.

I cried on the way back knowing I was headed back to a warzone 😂

Didn't realize that was abnormal till ~10 yrs later lol no privilege 4 me


@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @shortstories @sardonicsmile

> I can't name a single family member who wasn't a net negative for me.

There is a reason why the ninth circle of Hell, the lowest and most severe of all in Dante's Inferno is reserved for those guilty of betrayal.

Betrayal is the worst of all crimes because it comes from those you love, and those wounds almost never heal.

"The Betrayers Kiss", a depiction of Judas by one of the old masters.


@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @shortstories @sardonicsmile

People think abusive or dysfunctional families don't work, and that's a big fucking lie. You can bind a family together by making someone the scapegoat so that all the things that go wrong become that person's fault.

And it will work. Everyone will develop a close bond based on excluding and blaming one person in the family.

I wish I knew nothing about betrayal, so I'll opt for Beauty instead.


@Mongoliaboo @shortstories @sardonicsmile

>You can bind a family together by making someone the scapegoat so that all the things that go wrong become that person's fault.

So rude, if you're going to share my personal story it's common courtesy to ask me first! 😭

>I wish I knew nothing about betrayal

You and me both. It gave me this paranoia I can't shake and the pandemic didn't help

On the bright side if is was close w/ my fam itd be hard to exit this Godforsaken nation

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @shortstories @sardonicsmile Yes, you are correct, and I'm so happy to see that you are opting for Beauty! We need more appreciation of Aesthetics as a discipline.

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