@rohrkrepierer @37712 Ok good to know I was hesitant. That I would need to know at least some of the programming in C.

@Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @37712
Linux (specially mint) nowadays is more user friendly and easy to navigate than windows as you can customize whatever the way you want using a graphical interface. Even the terminal is optional these days, specially with decades of forums helping you solve any issue quickly.

If you had to learn to a programming language to create your own apps in linux, python makes more sense than C.


@Zeb @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @37712

Absolutely no need to learn C to use linux.

I'd bet non-techies don't even need to drop into the terminal at all, even though that's where all the fun is.

And if you do, bash will see you through most things you could possibly need. If you needed something more complicated than arrays then python becomes the best option.

Good to see monke using linux finally, and Mint is a decent 1st distro.

I wonder how long before he starts customizing his bashrc..

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @37712
I'm betting he will start going into the linux terminal right after the next windows update, when microsoft start turning his computer off and setting his motherboard on fire remotely when he shitposts

@Zeb @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @37712

Like he always says, "the pain of inaction must exceed the pain of action."

For those us into tech and programming, it's similar to "being lazy makes the best programmers".

I'll happily spend time automating something if it means I can do what I want quicker in a terminal than in a browser.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @Tfmonkey

this really has been a year of change for TFM, he went from saying it was not the jews to saying its some of the jews, he went from trusting market fundamentals to understanding that the whole market is rigged, he went from windows to linux, finally. what other surprises does this year bring for TFM and friends, stay tunned to find out.

@37712 @UncleIroh @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @Tfmonkey
I hope he gets an updated Celestina and order a custom special sniper rifle from Halsey so he can have fun next blm riot.

@37712 @UncleIroh @Zeb @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @Tfmonkey Being banned from the Internet,and incarcerated for federal hate crimes? Because Satan controls this realm of existence and the sons of Cain have power here on earth for sacrificing the blood of the creator God?

@37712 @Zeb @Stahesh @rohrkrepierer @Tfmonkey

Ha! That's a good summary of his recent redpill rape session.

I already held those opinions so I got to have fun watching it happen. Hats off to TFM for doing it publicly and owning it.

My last redpill was in finding out the extent to which Protestantism contributed to the mess we're in right now. And it's a lot.

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